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    [total] => 23332
    [q] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS T FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'
    [terms] => Array

    [language] => Array
            [0] => US

    [isos] => Array
            [US] => 23332

    [sql] => SELECT * FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'  ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Opening Day 2024: Highlights from the Philadelphia Phillies victory over Washington
                    [sha] => 1136162773
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi7gFBVV95cUxNOUJvaW9zb1FpMGFtMld2UF94VnlWQlUyckllZVVEZFg1X2NGZTJEdjA2d1dXV09EcUlkaTFqRzhlVkNLajZ3aE9ZQXFCdW5BTHd3OFlLT2w2WmFoTVduVmRrZHZrakRRTmpiTkw3N2NWd2xiNzh1Q2w2SmRHTTRFY0RuenRwTnZWSENjS0hDY2pTdzFONlJKQjl0YWJfTEc3WG40N3RKemtJUVZFY2hFM3VkaDZhMFc3N0VRRzA4SFZtcjNTWUdTOS0zQWNFWUQxckNKRDZlTFRnSFk2TGpBWjhhckR5VWJpZmdwRVN3?oc=5
                    [description] => Opening Day 2024: Highlights from the Philadelphia Phillies victory over Washington  The News Journal
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743121091
                    [extra] => 0

            [1] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => PHOTOS | Opening day for the Washington Nationals at Nationals Park
                    [sha] => 2423101470
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMisgJBVV95cUxORkY2OEQzdDN5c09xZWM0UEJ1SmFGTExrbkIySWxiRG1LZWtVZFNMMm9IREx4WWk5dXRhTGFfcS16VkQ0Ull0Skc5TlU0N3djTXBNSnVSbGJxWGZleV9LWHl6RnR4MERHNW5Ca1ZsbWtUOHhTNXNYLTZvRG9Hamo3YzFyZ3ZUZFBmQ3VTakxPRnVZTFBWOUhEc005RFJrSU1vemVRc3gzUDJlOVJ2ZC15N2J6U1RIcUhGSEkyamtkMzdKSFl6aG9leWRvZGgxUEI2YUF0a2lrNk1GQ2tmUDMycVBXTjdRX1BTc1FoeE9mdXM0RVZoU00wd3l5cUtBLVNCeU1aa3podXdYOEFFUE9haEtYX3N3azA1YTZVTkMwdmZlOEhkbVVBN3g5dWczdkdIWnc?oc=5
                    [description] => PHOTOS | Opening day for the Washington Nationals at Nationals Park  WJLA
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743120234
                    [extra] => 0

            [2] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Signal Ascends From Hacker Passion Project to Washington’s Top Messaging App
                    [sha] => 3669387533
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgFBVV95cUxPekFwWG41YjdJTkMxdlpkaUV1S1lmNEliT05LWUlQcDAxdEpEUmIyLTNod2QyT0NQWmRXY2dXOERaZWlBWkJuNTJKclBEdGU1MWI5TjZEVVl1QWllN0dpSjZBQU5RRHdJRkpOWkxDS2F0dlBmMGdYTkhEWTJjdEg3WWptX0Z5eVdMSC15ZElja2lRaTVab3g5dzM5czZ6MlJOS01lTFhHdjFoWTBFeXc?oc=5
                    [description] => Signal Ascends From Hacker Passion Project to Washington’s Top Messaging App  The Wall Street Journal
                    [category] => 7
                    [featured] => 0
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                    [date] => 1743120071
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            [3] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The rest of Red Sox’s ‘Big 3’ have ‘chills’ over Kristian Campbell’s big
                    [sha] => 611128787
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-red-sox/2025/03/27/boston-red-sox-prospects-kristian-campbell-roman-anthony-marcelo-mayer/
                    [description] => "Hopefully we get back to playing with Kristian pretty soon.” The post The rest of Red Sox’s ‘Big 3’ have ‘chills’ over Kristian Campbell’s big-league debut appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743120066
                    [extra] => 0

            [4] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Justice Dept. Will Investigate California Universities Over Race in Admissions
                    [sha] => 1344906950
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/us/california-universities-affirmative-action-doj.html
                    [description] => California banned affirmative action decades ago. The Trump administration says it plans to investigate whether schools there are still considering race.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743119647
                    [extra] => 0

            [5] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle Mariners season outlook with former pitcher Ryan Rowland
                    [sha] => 1430363784
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiVEFVX3lxTE9lUk11MTlrVHN5Y3FaeDVpcXdrQ0hNYmtfSnd6Q1ZacVhEVXRDbHFILVVQaXlySWlqOXFOdjZ1TVhfM3R3S3o1WDl1ZjZhOC1Oai1ZLdIBWkFVX3lxTFBqSFphZDhMUnFyVDhwcXBFbGIwaUFtYU9Pa1FXa05WcHBfQnA2LXNpQ1BzTTVCV0NhS1YzX29ja2kyczdzWURUQ1lJQk5EaWpRdVF6b3REbzU3dw?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle Mariners season outlook with former pitcher Ryan Rowland-Smith  FOX 13 Seattle
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743119460
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            [6] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Donald Trump's Own Appointees Reject His Washington Post Complaint
                    [sha] => 991841976
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                    [description] => Donald Trump's Own Appointees Reject His Washington Post Complaint  Newsweek
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                    [date] => 1743119408
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            [7] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 22 golden retrievers seized from breeder in Washington County
                    [sha] => 924619411
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                    [description] => 22 golden retrievers seized from breeder in Washington County  TMJ4 News
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                    [date] => 1743118728
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump's new tariffs on imported cars could have a clear winner: Tesla
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                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/nx-s1-5342456/tariffs-tesla-imports-musk-trump
                    [description] => President Trump's newly announced 25% import tariffs on foreign cars will increase vehicle prices by thousands of dollars, experts say, but Tesla is likely to fare better than other carmakers.
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                    [date] => 1743118580
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            [9] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Abreu hits 2 home runs in season opener to power Red Sox past Rangers 5
                    [sha] => 412987077
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-red-sox/2025/03/27/abreu-hits-2-home-runs-in-season-opener-to-power-red-sox-past-rangers-5-2/
                    [description] => Wilyer Abreu hit a three-run shot in the ninth inning for his second homer of the opener, powering the Boston Red Sox past the Texas Rangers 5-2 The post Abreu hits 2 home runs in season opener to power Red Sox past Rangers 5-2 appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 5
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                    [date] => 1743118258
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            [10] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Analyzing Dan Wilson’s first opening day lineup with the Mariners
                    [sha] => 4241811852
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                    [description] => Analyzing Dan Wilson’s first opening day lineup with the Mariners  The Seattle Times
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                    [date] => 1743118208
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            [11] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Hyundai announces $20 billion investment in the United States
                    [sha] => 2233073582
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                    [description] => Hyundai announces $20 billion investment in the United States  KGNS
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                    [date] => 1743118200
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Top Senate Republican Protests Trump Bid to Withhold Spending
                    [sha] => 1190197833
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/us/politics/susan-collins-appropriations-trump.html
                    [description] => Senator Susan Collins of Maine, the chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee, joined top Democrats in insisting that the president does not have the power to “pick and choose” what to fund.
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                    [date] => 1743118162
                    [extra] => 0

            [13] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Signal Leak Shows Trump Only Takes Federal Secrets Seriously When It Suits Him
                    [sha] => 2852258784
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/us/politics/trump-signal-leak-venezuela-deportations.html
                    [description] => In the Trump era, the definition of an official secret depends on whatever works best for the president.
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743118143
                    [extra] => 0

            [14] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Transgender sports policies at heart of federal complaint from Washington school district
                    [sha] => 3337164360
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                    [description] => Transgender sports policies at heart of federal complaint from Washington school district  KUOW News and Information
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                    [date] => 1743118142
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            [15] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Did the Los Angeles Lakers finally fix their issues? | Speak
                    [sha] => 1304793330
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                    [description] => Did the Los Angeles Lakers finally fix their issues? | Speak  Fox News
                    [category] => 1
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                    [date] => 1743118135
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            [16] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Open source devs are fighting AI crawlers with cleverness and vengeance
                    [sha] => 1669627918
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/27/open-source-devs-are-fighting-ai-crawlers-with-cleverness-and-vengeance/
                    [description] => AI web crawling bots are the cockroaches of the internet, many developers believe. FOSS devs are fighting back in ingenuous, humorous ways.
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                    [date] => 1743118059
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            [17] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => SF Giants dugout goes berserk celebrating Wilmer Flores' game
                    [sha] => 1296932943
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                    [description] => SF Giants dugout goes berserk celebrating Wilmer Flores' game-winning homer  SFGATE
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                    [date] => 1743117718
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            [18] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Group faces charges after illegal crabbing bust in Washington
                    [sha] => 497593285
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                    [description] => Group faces charges after illegal crabbing bust in Washington  KATU
                    [category] => 5
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                    [date] => 1743117622
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            [19] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Live at 7 p.m.: NDSU Women's Basketball vs. Washington State Cougars in WNIT Tournament
                    [sha] => 336819869
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                    [description] => Live at 7 p.m.: NDSU Women's Basketball vs. Washington State Cougars in WNIT Tournament  INFORUM
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                    [date] => 1743117595
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            [20] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Eleven 'cranker colony' suspects charged after allegedly pilfering Florida home of deployed Air Force member
                    [sha] => 4101998716
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/eleven-cranker-colony-suspects-charged-pilfering-florida-home-deployed-air-force-member
                    [description] => Florida authorities have arrested 11 people with drug and theft crimes after they allegedly broke into the Florida home of a deployed airman.
                    [category] => 5
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                    [date] => 1743117592
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            [21] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney says 'old relationship' with US 'is over' amid tension over Trump tariffs
                    [sha] => 1051597471
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/world/canadian-pm-carney-old-relationship-us-over-tension-trump-tariffs
                    [description] => Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney on Thursday remarked on his country's relationship with the United States amid tensions over trade agreements.
                    [category] => 1
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                    [date] => 1743117564
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            [22] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump tariffs: Can Vietnam golf its way out of new US import taxes?
                    [sha] => 1253028244
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiWkFVX3lxTE9YV1lsaG92N0F1cnJ6NzVwb2JDSHNIRW1kM0UxcVFBQVV4eUhhT2xXc19kX0tycDZndGlHSndKSHN1TEZ4NmtRcEJXYVh2RzBSOUZkVjRhT3lEUdIBX0FVX3lxTE5mOTRYYXVGMS1kS0htc3hvejU1M0szbVhuNjJicnhoYUdjcHRrNmMyQXBlc2ZXQTBRaDlnMmo3bWhXUlpjZjdpajF0YmtHZTczbXgxdDFXU3JDUDlCUWZ3?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump tariffs: Can Vietnam golf its way out of new US import taxes?  BBC.com
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743117238
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            [23] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Eastern Washington's Emmett Marquardt and Andrew Cook remain committed to basketball team
                    [sha] => 2906603539
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                    [description] => Eastern Washington's Emmett Marquardt and Andrew Cook remain committed to basketball team  The Spokesman Review
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743117123
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => News | Delayed Federal Funding for Washington Bridge to Be Released
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                    [description] => News | Delayed Federal Funding for Washington Bridge to Be Released  GoLocalProv
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743117017
                    [extra] => 0

            [25] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington University’s African Film Festival returns for 19th year
                    [sha] => 3251092555
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi5gFBVV95cUxQLS1QMEdnTG55ZXFaNzhKbGNrX2FQdkhkd0RWdHdiaktfQU9VdlRSb29vSWlGbF9uOHRqLTNhcUpzY0RmcE5UNGhEY2R6S0h3ZERMSlhyc0ZoU1JtSGRaSU1wbmU4MTBGaFFyVktULXRQcUNxaUdIR2pDemdLYlEtSnJJSzU1TlV6UUVYcGVoeTE5ak9xNGkwM2NQNVhpbWJuZWJSN2RjUkNFMFpNTDMwZ0dPZjhvQWpza29JV0Y5dHVmMXdGM0txY3Y0OXBJV0pnUXRQZmxBb3pnODVrYnF3QXJqcnFrUQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington University’s African Film Festival returns for 19th year  St. Louis American
                    [category] => 6
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116995
                    [extra] => 0

            [26] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Cincinnati Reds fall to San Francisco Giants on Opening Day, 6
                    [sha] => 1845007897
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgFBVV95cUxPeUNGclhjMk1mT2t2aVVST3g0YTRta1hUWDJjd1hmUWFWQTdBd3hkb0lwLWZqTG1aUzN1WDFXNlRTeXBMRTFOdGdsYURMWVZMQXBiX1BWeHQ4a2h0d3FIYnRwcGpESkZ6OXFnYkZlUExSQnBMd1lYbmdOUWM5OGczRXRlOGNhRVowSVlqLWhQNW9oRlJHT1E?oc=5
                    [description] => Cincinnati Reds fall to San Francisco Giants on Opening Day, 6-4  FOX19
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116760
                    [extra] => 0

            [27] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Alaska elections experts are uncertain about Trump order’s effects
                    [sha] => 3044805430
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipAFBVV95cUxPeGxObjc4S1NjQlQ0MERfbGpteExVZ3dGbFNERHJPRWowa0RoekhtOUZhdGZQX3N4Vy14MWFIMmhiUklGaTVfTFFhSzNSalM3c0ZVbnNnS19CNW5sZmhNMC1iaERDZDRpbTBqOVdhR2t0SGJDTGVDZFM5NG9EU0ZJak92N3FfZnFMeUVuOGVNMHBoRGttUjZCQ0RSNS1JSHRVbDlEMA?oc=5
                    [description] => Alaska elections experts are uncertain about Trump order’s effects  Alaska Beacon
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116731
                    [extra] => 0

            [28] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington AG backs gun permit bill as it advances in state Senate
                    [sha] => 2552576928
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxOc3RYVkZuX3dnTEg4RTNSSUVaRGdlSHUya0F0bnFLd3AybHlFeWt4eFl1RThyV2p6S3RpWWliNU5iTGstU2VudGphd19oNkZXN0Z6bFFsWWRXUEE2VnlhaExqLXhmYUtWckJXMjlqVExfRDVCUVBBT1NKdnliNTBOaGVybElFbFdWeGFCUHlZZ25uN2pYZjdBbTJqR3g1WktRVko1dmg5eWNiOWdWQm1PcnJmRTI?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington AG backs gun permit bill as it advances in state Senate  Washington State Standard
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116544
                    [extra] => 0

            [29] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => What Adam Silver Said About Potential Return of Seattle SuperSonics After NBA Meeting
                    [sha] => 3613967639
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimAFBVV95cUxNWUpXZDlaOE5DZVFMN0p4bEtxT0VYWWV0Y1hpc2oyZVNtakRPQWZiN1F3MUV6YVNQcEg4ZkpsLTRVS3JFVWNLVTFkOFdXQlpSTmo0cEFLcHAxX2xBVE42TkpwUzhYUm9rYVpLQ0FfVXYtbEE1T1dPUHlRWnRKeFlvN3Y3RWh1THhUZE1YZmNkOWdkQ3BYQUR5eA?oc=5
                    [description] => What Adam Silver Said About Potential Return of Seattle SuperSonics After NBA Meeting  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116476
                    [extra] => 0

            [30] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Adam Silver says NBA 'very focused' on particular city for potential expansion
                    [sha] => 890468385
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMioAFBVV95cUxOU1B1UjRMckczd3pwTGRyclY0TGsyeENhMmVpME5OTzNqdDQtY3NnTkg1NzJPRkxHSlFwa0t5aWlrZHV3TVhkQW1rS21Qd2pSXzNxNFE3SDkxc1pIX1IwRVdCOWVLemVTUjJ3TmZ4WmhNOHp3eE1iaUF1WlQ1MGtMcEVtOFhaR21Jc2cxTGNBdVZCZUtTdU9BTlJfYUpTSzQy?oc=5
                    [description] => Adam Silver says NBA 'very focused' on particular city for potential expansion  USA TODAY
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116385
                    [extra] => 0

            [31] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => KNBR is flooded with 'racist' Homeland Security ads. Its hosts are pissed.
                    [sha] => 301857497
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMingFBVV95cUxNMHVESTNhNUw3SWhkaFUzUHZfV0ViRHQ4enppVVZFbXV5WkxCQjNrMHZTdXRpUGo4NVRJUTB6Z1ZqaHhSMEpRMVo0TTBEa1FfSU5EdXRBWGFPcGRqaGpLM1FNVm1GLU5naW9FOEdBNU8zMUg4amdfak5nV3E0cWtBVXZTSzFXcGVWbHRtczNlZ1VMMVVobWtyZlFoSm9GQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => KNBR is flooded with 'racist' Homeland Security ads. Its hosts are pissed.  SFGATE
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116374
                    [extra] => 0

            [32] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => March Madness: Florida gets grand tour of San Francisco with help of head coach
                    [sha] => 1272913557
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                    [description] => March Madness: Florida gets grand tour of San Francisco with help of head coach  CBS News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116280
                    [extra] => 0

            [33] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => McKee confirms it. Washington Bridge federal funding is signed, sealed, delivered
                    [sha] => 2548618298
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxQekI2UWczcWVGbjFsTVQ1a0swUjIxa0FabmVXWmFtQ2tKRzBLRm50bk5VNVFSZlBlSDI4N1A3VmR0NEhTT1pvQ002cnpEUjRpR3JBTU1vcG1VVlFBTTM3UldzOWRXbTJXRGtEMm9LUFdXbmVSRHlQWnFBdE1MSkVHRWlMN1oxN3Q2NjUyd3BFQ3hCMWRSOHpjMm5DcjJiTFNwQnRQSlZURlNoNjVEaFpTS1ZrZUxOcWtrY0MtaW9B?oc=5
                    [description] => McKee confirms it. Washington Bridge federal funding is signed, sealed, delivered  Rhode Island Current
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116266
                    [extra] => 0

            [34] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => March 27: Rick Thoman’s Climate Highlight for Western Alaska
                    [sha] => 3415525727
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikAFBVV95cUxNdzdlemtBVVZCTjNrQ3pYZko4LTlWQ2ZvM0pRX1hPREwyWWY2MWVLa2ZvRnA2Q2s2OTlfS0s3OFNRcGZCTjNGQnE1YmtoaEhPeGZhYTVGNWFQQ3dWLU9FZHpoNEpicjV6SmtQTjYycXdlTWVkR3hmdC00eEpDUGNzNV9lLU5jLXRtUHRjOVZaRXk?oc=5
                    [description] => March 27: Rick Thoman’s Climate Highlight for Western Alaska  Knom
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743116009
                    [extra] => 0

            [35] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 'My mind is reeling': New information materializes in SF legend's cause of death
                    [sha] => 3160614685
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinwFBVV95cUxPZHJmUWZnV3VvUHB2Z0VhNS1SQkY4YVZUWTFCS2hMMXRXb0tzcUpDNE1HQWQzaU50M0d1THd0TEdTWlBtZGZCWDBSelZ1dWZsUU0yQVU4ZDI3RUZvbExVTF9scjlCTVRzRzNXd0pROGpuWXJQNXhlS3JPS0Z3XzV1NVV2aVVWSlpzSldpckNobHA1OG1JSVZ6QWpwcEcwenc?oc=5
                    [description] => 'My mind is reeling': New information materializes in SF legend's cause of death  SFGATE
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743115377
                    [extra] => 0

            [36] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Dueling gerrymandering cases in Washington state land before Ninth Circuit
                    [sha] => 223998568
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiqgFBVV95cUxQUlJ2MzBxSDJDcWl5d053YWFyajVYRGFnM2lrVlVfVUlTOUIwcVFZSVRfTDRFa1NGU2ktZTYtU2hSNkFQQ3BNc01rcWxpTnZPekxfZ1UyUGMtd05fdFJ3MjhfMlpPMVpvY2FqT2NuZFJFQkFJMWlFM0toRTZ5T2ttNzVVNlI5VmZ2SlpnY0hmSEkwWnNLT21QcGVNUERrVS1QV05NaWx0ZGNTdw?oc=5
                    [description] => Dueling gerrymandering cases in Washington state land before Ninth Circuit  Courthouse News Service
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743115287
                    [extra] => 0

            [37] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Judge orders Trump administration to preserve Signal chat about Yemen military operation
                    [sha] => 164112780
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirAFBVV95cUxPVHB5dmZQV3F1cXJ6dkdvV2cwMTRyLVVIMWpGQmdGam5sbXR2Y293ZFJIclpNNnZ2bkg3Zjlwb2d1U0UyNE51MWhUdWFjV0JDRlR0Nm5rUkJ5TzVLQVVrMURvNVdYN3pmNlZQbU9qZlNzbjVJa0NIb2l3bk9IcGtjUlRkcUFWb2lCWkRqRkk4YmZLcnktMGhaRWlFM0tnOVZYcnBuc2VMa0kyRE9M?oc=5
                    [description] => Judge orders Trump administration to preserve Signal chat about Yemen military operation  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743115206
                    [extra] => 0

            [38] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => How Selena's Texas hometown continues to honor her 30 years after her death
                    [sha] => 1469609895
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/nx-s1-5341354/how-selenas-texas-hometown-continues-to-honor-her-30-years-after-her-death
                    [description] => Thirty years after the death of Selena Quintanilla, Texas Standard's Raul Alonzo visits places in Corpus Christi where the icon of Tejano music is remembered and memorialized.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114968
                    [extra] => 0

            [39] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => New study shows impact of foreign aid cuts on HIV/Aids treatment
                    [sha] => 3771721464
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/nx-s1-5342509/new-study-shows-impact-of-foreign-aid-cuts-on-hiv-aids-treatment
                    [description] => Study in the Lancet finds that with US and European cuts to foreign assistance programs the provide AIDS treatments and medicines there will be millions of news cases and deaths from AIDS in the coming years. Reporter: Emanuel; Editor: Davis
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114945
                    [extra] => 0

            [40] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Muslims in Altadena look for normalcy at the end of Ramadan after mosque burned down
                    [sha] => 2164445931
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/nx-s1-5339811/muslims-in-altadena-look-for-normalcy-at-the-end-of-ramadan-after-mosque-burned-down
                    [description] => Wildfires in Los Angeles destroyed the only mosque in the Altadena area. As the community prepares to celebrate the end of Ramadan, it's finding ways to give kids — and adults — a sense of normalcy.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114903
                    [extra] => 0

            [41] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Ukraine is at the cutting edge of drone innovation, but Russia is catching up
                    [sha] => 1398033811
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/nx-s1-5338557/ukraine-is-at-the-cutting-edge-of-drone-innovation-but-russia-is-catching-up
                    [description] => The war between Russia and Ukraine is now largely being fought with drones. Ukraine is at the cutting edge of wartime drone innovation, producing over 2 million in 2024 -- but Russia is close behind.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114896
                    [extra] => 0

            [42] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Deep red state makes major announcement about income tax: 'We plant our flag'
                    [sha] => 133199152
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/deep-red-state-makes-major-announcement-about-income-tax
                    [description] => Mississippi taxpayers will get significant relief with the incremental elimination of the state's income tax, which will drop from 4.7% to nothing in a few years.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114640
                    [extra] => 0

            [43] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Here are 2025 schedules for all reigning Washington high school (WIAA) football champions
                    [sha] => 5340164
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi2gFBVV95cUxOWVpCcEsxaU01OU91Y0txc3lqZG9uSDc0TzNzV1RJcHR1TWlOQ3VxTVNRTTk1N3dzaUNRRmNlZTdTNWxzczZMX1V5WjZIVVNXQnFSZ3dhbU1vZTJDUTZYRVZQWWRPaGJqLXJ4aDlSSGNweWhtQ1dUeVlSMHN5NTc5MHZScV81RXRJZ1pKYlpiMmdyeVpWQ2NUNlNiNUVBNzJ6TXJZNjcwM0hvRnIxZkZkQlJwSDRLN1ozRzQ3S1FVWlVhV1VfUFJtSEcyQjVHdEVPcjBEVUNYRkJzQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Here are 2025 schedules for all reigning Washington high school (WIAA) football champions  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 4
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114600
                    [extra] => 0

            [44] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Under Pressure, Psychology Accreditation Board Suspends Diversity Standards
                    [sha] => 55233789
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/health/psychology-dei-apa-trump.html
                    [description] => As the Trump administration threatens to strip accrediting bodies of their power, many are scrambling to purge diversity requirements.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114563
                    [extra] => 0

            [45] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump Signs Executive Order to Form Task Force on Crime in Washington, D.C
                    [sha] => 19737560
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiygFBVV95cUxQQ1M2X29DZ2hFeWJrQmJZLVNHUkZ0TVhaWWVJUG1JT0pYOUw2a3FpZDUzV2xKVDhvcnV4RHRBR2VJRUxFT3Bvb25HTnQzUmlEbkRXTnZXa2hzQ3BiWVBVcmo4Vi1TaWU3RW9jZHAwQU0xZjFpcG9UdzJSYUZsMmtLY3BnbkZSN3pwRE9lQkVjNDNJVGNsdy0xS0ZIWXBBQjdzNWIwek1LVlBoT1l1TmhLOGdIYTBPUmg3cU1KdE0tMmY3bDJ6R2NUVkxn?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump Signs Executive Order to Form Task Force on Crime in Washington, D.C  U.S. News & World Report
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114540
                    [extra] => 0

            [46] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Judge Moves to Prevent Hegseth, Waltz and Others From Deleting Houthi Texts
                    [sha] => 1293460719
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/us/politics/signal-chat-houthis-court-decision.html
                    [description] => Judge James E. Boasberg said top officials, including the defense secretary, the national security adviser and the secretary of state, must preserve the messages they exchanged.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114247
                    [extra] => 0

            [47] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => For Europe, the Nightmare Isn’t U.S. Contempt. It’s U.S. Incompetence.
                    [sha] => 2203198778
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/live/2025/03/24/opinion/thepoint/signal-chat-european-allies-houthis
                    [description] => Europeans are used to the Trump administration’s scorn by now, but the Signal chat’s lack of seriousness, including its substance, was shocking.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114230
                    [extra] => 0

            [48] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Elon Musk, DOGE team offer unprecedented peak behind the curtain of Trump's cost
                    [sha] => 3319576224
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/elon-musk-doge-team-offer-unprecedented-peak-behind-curtain-trumps-cost-cutting-department
                    [description] => Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) head Elon Musk and members of the cost-cutting organization sit down for an exclusive interview on 'Special Report.'
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114204
                    [extra] => 0

            [49] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Elon Musk, DOGE team offer unprecedented peek behind the curtain of Trump's cost
                    [sha] => 4253871671
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/elon-musk-doge-team-offer-unprecedented-peak-behind-curtain-trumps-cost-cutting-department
                    [description] => Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) head Elon Musk and members of the cost-cutting organization sit down for an exclusive interview on 'Special Report.'
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114204
                    [extra] => 0

            [50] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Texas doctor arrested in American Airlines groping incident, banned from flying on planes
                    [sha] => 751873823
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-doctor-arrested-american-airlines-groping-incident-banned-from-flying-planes
                    [description] => A North Texas doctor is accused of groping a 22-year-old woman on an American Airlines flight last week, his third such accusation in recent years, according to court documents.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114026
                    [extra] => 0

            [51] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Texas man arrested in American Airlines groping incident, banned from flying on planes
                    [sha] => 22430979
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-man-arrested-american-airlines-groping-incident-banned-from-flying-planes
                    [description] => A North Texas man is accused of groping a 22-year-old woman on an American Airlines flight last week, his third such accusation in recent years, according to court documents.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114026
                    [extra] => 0

            [52] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Where to watch Seattle Mariners vs A’s streaming free today, Opening Day time, TV channel
                    [sha] => 3376626335
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwAFBVV95cUxPbmNGaDhMOEs5Z01nU1ZkRTRsZ3Bzblo2Q1JMLWxxcWp4TjRaVURsYTdEdmJEU0JiX0ZKcy1VNEVSSVFWYVM3WEpWOF9QUGZBVE83SDRLcWxQc3dQcEVFd3JFaVFFQl81ZUVVQXVUU1hOZ3hnQWstaVUzS1ltWmtVZEozTHBDdXc5eWVkLXhheDJyTWNwUVRGV1VoU3ZjMDc4S1JYYktFa0lBMVFiclJsZ3BtcHo2ekVZeHZvTlZnR3TSAdQBQVVfeXFMUHVwRlhNaUUzVnUxNy1LcU9ITndSakFCbFdHX1QxZGJHNjNUdG4tbGZZVVdLeUd5d3FHRmtVTHdUbXBHMHFxRVZCeUsxbHpuSDFtV0t6UU5LMnBja2p3Sk03UUhlMDc3b1UzT2VYa0NhY3JPOXR3SG9CQ2NsbjUtdDhwUUtoSTVfSWZDekthSElJMk1rSVhYb1VsNGhPZDB5RTNMdWFUc2VXMmtZZC11ejhrS05MVDYwMHJIWjlWMjN2YzZYbXlMaXR1N0g0b1lmMmNkRHU?oc=5
                    [description] => Where to watch Seattle Mariners vs A’s streaming free today, Opening Day time, TV channel  OregonLive
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743114000
                    [extra] => 0

            [53] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => FTC commissioners ousted by Trump speak out after filing lawsuit to reverse firings
                    [sha] => 1922679827
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/US/ftc-commissioners-ousted-trump-speak-after-filing-lawsuit/story?id=120231862
                    [description] => Federal Trade Commissioners Rebecca Slaughter and Alvaro Bedoya speak out after filing a lawsuit over their firing by the Trump administration.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113988
                    [extra] => 0

            [54] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington is one step closer to cracking down on excessive speeding
                    [sha] => 3033884931
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington is one step closer to cracking down on excessive speeding  KIRO Seattle
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113974
                    [extra] => 0

            [55] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Summit County’s median home price eclipses San Francisco, Honolulu
                    [sha] => 3582879467
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMisAFBVV95cUxNZ2xlRGNwZVlVSE9CbTExeGVrdFYxeDJMcklwSmJYdl9lS3VUU2NqNkJOWjNLQ1RISW1hSE9KMXVJOXdzcVVwaW8wbkM5MG41WXotR1lDaWtZNzhBMTkza0xySnBmVGx2RUNrSHhsTEI0cDk1bWlOangzQ2k3U081cGtYR1FjYVh3OUE3YVp1dEFhc0t4WE9iS0pTTVF0WVUyamVQTGhRSXRNT0ZZQml3Yw?oc=5
                    [description] => Summit County’s median home price eclipses San Francisco, Honolulu  KPCW
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113940
                    [extra] => 0

            [56] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => U.S. economy grew 2.4 percent in 4th quarter of 2024 after upgrade in growth estimate
                    [sha] => 3337636924
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxNRml4Tll2N3Z1TzZGaW9IVVlELWk5cUFhcEFTN2pJMThabjZZYWlxSEVpb1ludld2TVZoQXVWUFJoVXB3THoyN1F4M0tKZ09DcXRfSlBTei1PZ2Z3NTRwRmFBTGsxYkpKRFZkeVNEdzZmVDdDNFhLSmk3Vi1TbEZjc0N2MVpCYnRGRjdVcHlKa1VqTUEyemh1Sll5aHpfTDE4N3VDNnpycXhONUxSUktUZVdaV2c2NHEybFoyTjln?oc=5
                    [description] => U.S. economy grew 2.4 percent in 4th quarter of 2024 after upgrade in growth estimate  PBS NewsHour
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113801
                    [extra] => 0

            [57] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Police arrest Evansville man accused of sexually assaulting child
                    [sha] => 3208520317
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMixAFBVV95cUxNMXlKZVVVN0hQRC1lSlhRV1lneEpfVXVGLW5vckJpZkpZYXZ6dklCVWF0WTRVWmJTcmhMazRiT1ozRzZ1Z2J5M194S012YkxDNkMzMXFTN1NyeTQyYkdaNXRwSVhNcjROYUlxcmxWRzdKb1QtWjlzVUhjanRwemtlV2t3a3ZBbEhpWTNXdUZOQnpmR0J1bkdZNUs5UC1VbkcyUnI0b1VSUm92MmVQcy1ual9qeFc4eG12aldZZWFDenJVaXdV?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Police arrest Evansville man accused of sexually assaulting child  Eyewitness News (WEHT/WTVW)
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113747
                    [extra] => 0

            [58] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Law Firm Skadden Arps Seeks Deal to Avert Trump Executive Order
                    [sha] => 2093751894
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/business/trump-law-firms-skadden-arps.html
                    [description] => The discussions come as other major firms are said to be trying to cut deals with the White House.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113562
                    [extra] => 0

            [59] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Feds release $221 million grant to RI for Washington Bridge rebuild. What we know.
                    [sha] => 1927072284
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigAJBVV95cUxPc1NzQVFERzh3QXRWeThJWDdaRnZyR2R3SXUyMEx3Q2M1a0NqMEswSUtRdWtOajdCTnFkb0diWkJDRGtnRV9ZRTdhdkI1Zktuck9CLW81ZFNmRVowRFVrMDg2Vktaa0xSaUVuTWtkVHJkZjlwQ0laTk5zZFE5MWpJdW1UdXRfQ1lwVEo4TTUxb290YmNNdk13dUZBaWtSMUpSR0s4Y3FiR3NuaUo5UENkWmZGVTQzd09qd2Y2RTFPTDNwSVNBU0V6aUUwQlNOazc3M0VuS2V4dmVVU3pra2ZZN3RndHRyTWhKdlFiaGRnY1ZxWTlzOVM4YVhaV0Nqcm83?oc=5
                    [description] => Feds release $221 million grant to RI for Washington Bridge rebuild. What we know.  The Providence Journal
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113538
                    [extra] => 0

            [60] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 12th annual Seattle Catholic Men’s Conference at Holy Rosary Parish May 24
                    [sha] => 3211034617
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirAFBVV95cUxNNlItSDlVZnROSHNwN0lwclZnakdic2NpUnZueEEzb0UwbTRROVBaSmNUUjg3Z1lxODBXLURMdnptNmpmN3hpY0RpalFNWEs1TmJZWTNuV3gyM1BPY1dpRGRtT0M5RkNlTVV4dGswZzB6MGptV0htRERzZTA3cnM1NThIUUZFc1diMG9iWmZjWl9ObC1yVlZwc1pINWZfbzktYURHb0VMRFlPRHZX?oc=5
                    [description] => 12th annual Seattle Catholic Men’s Conference at Holy Rosary Parish May 24  My Edmonds News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113332
                    [extra] => 0

            [61] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle startup Shelf Engine acquired by retail data company Crisp
                    [sha] => 3161924757
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMingFBVV95cUxOTi1yUHdPVGR6cnVqbllEdEZscG5xSXQ5UTRrU3pKNVJoM1NuVWpheDdpY1Rnazh0dTdlQU12ck1sR0lQTk82UlpORXpiX1JmRkZ6YTU0dThkTmExTDk5ZVk1N3hhcU1EcGkyZ3Nwd1V6WHlWYVAtZTdVbEV2aXBNZzJuT3kwYkk0dzl6aS1HSHdTZjJTbkY0dFplMG5OQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle startup Shelf Engine acquired by retail data company Crisp  GeekWire
                    [category] => 7
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113077
                    [extra] => 0

            [62] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Who Is Kamelia Enzler? Seattle Fitness Coach Charged After Tesla Vandalism Incident
                    [sha] => 2692160533
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Who Is Kamelia Enzler? Seattle Fitness Coach Charged After Tesla Vandalism Incident  Times Now
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113071
                    [extra] => 0

            [63] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Stefanik’s withdrawal as UN Ambassador nominee
                    [sha] => 3310870540
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hitchhikers-guide-stefanik-withdrawal-un-ambassador-nominee
                    [description] => President Trump pulled the nomination of Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., as UN Ambassador on Thursday – and the reasoning behind it is purely a numbers game.
                    [category] => 4
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743113001
                    [extra] => 0

            [64] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 'Snow White' actress Rachel Zegler's old tweet cursing out Trump resurfaces as film flounders
                    [sha] => 3941446614
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/snow-white-actress-rachel-zeglers-old-tweet-cursing-out-trump-resurfaces-film-flounders
                    [description] => An old tweet has resurfaced where actress Rachel Zegler had used profanity and condemned Donald Trump, now going viral once again online shortly after her film's opening weekend.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112853
                    [extra] => 0

            [65] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump withdraws Stefanik’s UN ambassador nomination over fears for GOP majority: Live
                    [sha] => 4274566505
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi1gFBVV95cUxPOWthUWtnVmk5dkFYXzdTNGFxMjFyZllpWmt1MnBlS1RhQ2hLY1JHNU81YWlCcEZjREdUaVNCZjRNUmhSU1NldFRqR1p5Sm1IRTNvQ2FJUWRHWnRnX0ppcm1HWFZmcGZzTEZ0Vlk5azI2eGRQVEZQUGRXdUV2Mk5KVzFFOFhqYlk2UHBnc3dNVVJFb05reFdlUHpJaXZrTlF0RVlQZ2JsWW9WNU1salMzS09nYS1PQjdKNktlbGRZaF80eFFQVnRsZE1hTGJoSHZKX0JHS21n?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump withdraws Stefanik’s UN ambassador nomination over fears for GOP majority: Live  The Independent
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112835
                    [extra] => 0

            [66] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => RFK Jr. Turns to a Discredited Vaccine Researcher for Autism Study
                    [sha] => 3434746591
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/health/rfk-jr-autism-vaccines.html
                    [description] => David Geier has been hired as a senior data analyst at H.H.S. According to several people, he will examine any potential links between vaccines and autism that were debunked long ago.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112830
                    [extra] => 0

            [67] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Philadelphia Phillies at Washington Nationals Game Story, Scores/Highlights
                    [sha] => 416044255
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiUEFVX3lxTFBlcXdwWXRaUm5xWlNwblFKeVJWV0NzOVhlUXFJSHVhSmhQbjdqSjMzQnF6QnZwMm5RMzQzRWVUOEVpRUpnelZrSEFwUzFTVDRs0gFQQVVfeXFMUGVxd3BZdFpSbnFaU3BuUUp5UlZXQ3M5WGVRcUlIdWFKaFBuN2pKMzNCcXpCdnAyblEzNDNFZVQ4RWlFSmd6VmtIQXBTMVNUNGw?oc=5
                    [description] => Philadelphia Phillies at Washington Nationals Game Story, Scores/Highlights - 03/27/2025  MLB.com
                    [category] => 4
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112707
                    [extra] => 0

            [68] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => USC eliminates diversity, equity and inclusion as one of its values
                    [sha] => 3604916932
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilAFBVV95cUxPZzhLYmRqNGhjUTUwT21zWEVXNGVPdEJ6a0x2MlZjTnJXZFVrNmwxbGF1ZlpsUmpQdDRCd2w0aWgzLTZTd2FpRG1PTGwzZjFfRFpjYlF4VUozR1Zld2VKanotOU9wWXpvb29GcXRRQVNxZUlHZ2M5TGFEdzdPcEZSQzR2UFNoV01wMjBpY0Zfd1pqRFRM0gGcAUFVX3lxTE85NkJIdnJEUGJwcFNiTzdhdjBnT3lSRHVraVJERThzcDZ6U2lrV0xoQUd3cEExeTRGc09wNEg0aVBrZVdlaXpfZXJwRkFVLUVieTlCVjlWTDJlSlFxYW1qZG1HTGQzWnBrdXZIQWNDX1NDbmtJcDNkYUZoblVpdGdhUHdxVlJvelNZRm1WbUJhd0ljMWc3dUdOUFlRTg?oc=5
                    [description] => USC eliminates diversity, equity and inclusion as one of its values  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112703
                    [extra] => 0

            [69] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Watch Heliot Ramos hit San Francisco Giants' first home run of 2025 MLB season
                    [sha] => 415288455
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMif0FVX3lxTE9PdTNQUVBiTEhXZ2R2YUdJU2FEdE1NU2R0SWE0bFR6RDNlN3RkUWxNVEJNU3FWOEZBeU1hVGF1V0hoSFZQRHotb29ON2JXaDlWdHJmV1J5OTk2VGlsNk5rdzlmbmcwN3h2N1E4STc4dGctU2YtNXRYQWthUW5ndmc?oc=5
                    [description] => Watch Heliot Ramos hit San Francisco Giants' first home run of 2025 MLB season  Yahoo Sports
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112702
                    [extra] => 0

            [70] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle coffee shop owner’s city event canceled by LGBTQ backlash — but he’s intent on defending his faith
                    [sha] => 2160184327
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgFBVV95cUxPZ2tjRk5id2J1RlJNcUk3RlZXMUtrRzNpWEtHeHFidDMteDgxZGlEODRPM3h1MGxhcllpMnJDcl82X094RkJsNHc5Znp4b0dVR2NuZkRGNXA1aTZMRWJxNERZX2VvZjJQZVFWT2dRaElseG14RVRvR1J5NlR2UXpmQmJLbUN1blpZeU1TRlVVWEtFSmFLS0VzdVIwdmlmUmtHSVZYXzVNZER4b3Y0aVE?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle coffee shop owner’s city event canceled by LGBTQ backlash — but he’s intent on defending his faith  New York Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112380
                    [extra] => 0

            [71] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => NTSB ends investigation into plane that landed in Alaska lake after no major damage reported
                    [sha] => 634397753
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => NTSB ends investigation into plane that landed in Alaska lake after no major damage reported  Alaska's News Source
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112380
                    [extra] => 0

            [72] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Bobby Sherman, Former Teen Idol, Has Stage 4 Cancer, His Wife Says
                    [sha] => 4140006710
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/arts/bobby-sherman-cancer.html
                    [description] => The 81-year-old is known for his breakout role on the 1960s television series “Here Come the Brides” and hits that included “Little Woman.”
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112353
                    [extra] => 0

            [73] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Root, root, root for Opening Day! What the upcoming season looks like for MLB
                    [sha] => 49420347
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/nx-s1-5342505/root-root-root-for-opening-day-what-the-upcoming-season-looks-like-for-mlb
                    [description] => The Major League Baseball season kicks off on Thursday. NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks to Keith Law, a senior baseball writer for The Athletic, about what fans should look out for.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112280
                    [extra] => 0

            [74] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Faulty DNA Tests Were Used in Thousands of L.A. Criminal Cases, Sheriff Says
                    [sha] => 1514055235
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiekFVX3lxTE1kbHFacFg5OXkyVExrQUJzSk9iR2RyVHRiRC1adkZDVmNEb0RJZm5wdXVIU2FFTEt5TXlHak1XWUFTT0FGdE5kazM2aW9TTUN1dEdYR19ON1ZzRHphVE82Q2s0RVZlUHlpblZwNzRhTElLZjY3aWRWZnl3?oc=5
                    [description] => Faulty DNA Tests Were Used in Thousands of L.A. Criminal Cases, Sheriff Says  The New York Times
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112244
                    [extra] => 0

            [75] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Faulty DNA Tests Were Used in Los Angeles County Cases, Sheriff Says
                    [sha] => 643591358
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiekFVX3lxTE1kbHFacFg5OXkyVExrQUJzSk9iR2RyVHRiRC1adkZDVmNEb0RJZm5wdXVIU2FFTEt5TXlHak1XWUFTT0FGdE5kazM2aW9TTUN1dEdYR19ON1ZzRHphVE82Q2s0RVZlUHlpblZwNzRhTElLZjY3aWRWZnl3?oc=5
                    [description] => Faulty DNA Tests Were Used in Los Angeles County Cases, Sheriff Says  The New York Times
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112244
                    [extra] => 0

            [76] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Judge accuses Trump administration of trying to undermine judiciary
                    [sha] => 3669929650
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/g-s1-56739/judge-trump-howell-judiciary
                    [description] => The Justice Department accused Howell of repeatedly demonstrating "animus" toward President Trump, after she paused enforcement of an executive order.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112191
                    [extra] => 0

            [77] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => University of Michigan to Scuttle Its Flagship D.E.I. Program
                    [sha] => 35485768
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/education/university-of-michigan-dei.html
                    [description] => Michigan, once at the forefront of school diversity efforts, is rapidly changing course amid campus pushback and broad scrutiny by the Trump administration.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112180
                    [extra] => 0

            [78] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Judge in crosshairs of Trump deportation case orders preservation of Signal messages
                    [sha] => 2484511869
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judge-boasberg-crosshairs-trump-deportation-case-orders-preservation-signal-messages
                    [description] => Judge James Boasberg ordered all Signal chats linked to a planned military strike in Yemen preserved after American Oversight filed a records lawsuit.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112138
                    [extra] => 0

            [79] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => NBA returning to Seattle? You won’t like Commissioner Adam Silver’s answer
                    [sha] => 3152330325
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMib0FVX3lxTFBBTGhfMG8wYmJDcEpBVVlIdEdQbEJ2OFNGNl9IOHFoWHlweVVURVRlNk9SMmFMNnVVVURxTG5zektjX1hSU3p0Y3Bha0wwMmNQVUNoMm1xSmJwTVF6Y3VpcGNDcUxhcDN2alZ0S3ZQWQ?oc=5
                    [description] => NBA returning to Seattle? You won’t like Commissioner Adam Silver’s answer  MyNorthwest
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112117
                    [extra] => 0

            [80] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Another Problem With That Signal Chat? The Messages Disappear.
                    [sha] => 3220303021
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/us/politics/signal-messages-disappear.html
                    [description] => The Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act require officials to preserve communications related to government business.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112106
                    [extra] => 0

            [81] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Even More Venmo Accounts Tied to Trump Officials in Signal Group Chat Left Data Public
                    [sha] => 2166153234
                    [url] => https://www.wired.com/story/even-more-venmo-accounts-tied-to-trump-officials-in-signal-group-chat-left-data-public/
                    [description] => WIRED has found four new Venmo accounts that appear to be associated with Trump officials who were in an infamous Signal chat. One made a payment with a note consisting solely of an eggplant emoji.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743112051
                    [extra] => 0

            [82] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle police find machete, series of drugs while arrested alleged dealers
                    [sha] => 3909754776
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle police find machete, series of drugs while arrested alleged dealers  KIRO Seattle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743111857
                    [extra] => 0

            [83] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Phillies fans descend on Washington DC for baseball opening day
                    [sha] => 3561958831
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiS0FVX3lxTE0yZDBvMmJVU015bTAxeWstUlkwQUxEc012U2txellUZ2RBMG5QUm9SZjNUenlGeG0tSlhSUzkzb3JIMGtwLTR0VVVZY9IBUEFVX3lxTE9wXzVKb3RFcVJKNVlYQVNqdTdXRHpQZnlPTjBsd3gycHZ3VUgtaTVHOUdsaGJaUkJobXdqT21fWHM0UkFTTDJiWjh6THFtTHFV?oc=5
                    [description] => Phillies fans descend on Washington DC for baseball opening day  FOX 29 Philadelphia
                    [category] => 4
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743111540
                    [extra] => 0

            [84] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Rubio defends arrest of Tufts student, says more ‘lunatics’ will be targeted
                    [sha] => 975752728
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2025/03/27/rubio-defends-arrest-of-tufts-student-says-more-lunatics-will-be-targeted/
                    [description] => Secretary of State Marco Rubio said that Rumeysa Ozturk's visa was terminated due to disruptive protest behavior. He did not cite evidence. The post Rubio defends arrest of Tufts student, says more ‘lunatics’ will be targeted appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743111478
                    [extra] => 0

            [85] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Live updates: Agencies prepare for significant layoffs, while Kennedy makes major changes to HHS
                    [sha] => 1721381337
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE5Va1NLaDZ6dFdabjltY1ZLTUxVVlRHMXBrUUt5cUZMbmd1WjRWTTFLRVhXeDlaVjcxXzY2R0F6MEotLTNqUDQzaW9xa09OLVRRUXFkVUVHWmlZeHpHRmdsVXlJZXZBUllVckZickxyNF9WRG1FX0FuMTdlWGVEZw?oc=5
                    [description] => Live updates: Agencies prepare for significant layoffs, while Kennedy makes major changes to HHS  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743111097
                    [extra] => 0

            [86] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => WATCH: Washington and Lee students deliver meals to local elementary school
                    [sha] => 3462776994
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiugFBVV95cUxQMnFxUGU5WjV2NmxhdFZmTGxRUXZmT1RCTk5JZWJMMjg3c1dHSmZ0MW9xdkVDb1VuZ2xHOWgwSlFXQXFiVUg3WnU1RnM3b3RmazB2REFPZTBESXdPU1V2NXdvUndBR2tHcGp5TWRka0VfT3NiMmNGTFRFY1Nqb3VUcDBBMW9SMDhZZTlEN2JOeUhxN0ZPR1B4RDh3di0wYVQyaWpmV0dUa200Zm5xdmtZQjJScjRFS185SEE?oc=5
                    [description] => WATCH: Washington and Lee students deliver meals to local elementary school  WSLS 10
                    [category] => 2
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110929
                    [extra] => 0

            [87] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Corrosion problem knocks most Amtrak Cascades trains out of service
                    [sha] => 1838481866
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitgFBVV95cUxOYXlHX1NoV1Z6cmNCTHVLaXdKT296QV91XzF5cjlTSDFkWFdUZjBXWU1rLWFIaDQwOUZBUFFhTlRCRVFYbGI1REhvVF90YXhGeGhTRnc1Rno3SDE4emhWZDYzUm5kSTZxN0ZkWGxILWFGdE9YZmhKcUU2aHFUdGlpUnFLY05vWnlpRkVCMm8wODZpUHdlOVhrcWJjWHA0RV9mNnBlVlpXRFgxRHFYWk1kemItVjJQUQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Corrosion problem knocks most Amtrak Cascades trains out of service  Washington State Standard
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110859
                    [extra] => 0

            [88] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Reigning champ Ilia Malinin of US leads Japan’s Yuma Kagiyama at figure skating world championships
                    [sha] => 3849941431
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Reigning champ Ilia Malinin of US leads Japan’s Yuma Kagiyama at figure skating world championships  WIVT - NewsChannel 34
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110835
                    [extra] => 0

            [89] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Businesses are ‘on pause’ or ‘paralyzed’ until Washington’s ‘fog’ lifts, Fed’s Barkin says
                    [sha] => 774471792
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwgFBVV95cUxNR3dQVUhSSDR5cVZKaWE0UFdqX245Qm1lMzZGS2tlVWVVc3FNZEUzdFNVQkxXeFM3bmJXeU1ObHRhYkZWaVRlbFZxLVlJeFNjQmhKdEtKRVhDSGlST1hsLW5zVjdqRklRcTZTTEloZVZMVE1sLW0zbTZUcUUtUmhJbWlnUWhiQS11QkVYdmhFTEdEaXA5bTNUZVhtMjlyS2ZBNlJMSzVRRWtWR0UyclpCcHI2THU0SW9EZ3UyYm9FRzN6QQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Businesses are ‘on pause’ or ‘paralyzed’ until Washington’s ‘fog’ lifts, Fed’s Barkin says  MarketWatch
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110760
                    [extra] => 0

            [90] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => GOP leaders accused of making threats to block bill to let new moms vote remotely
                    [sha] => 2025059143
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/27/g-s1-56535/congress-new-parents-remote-voting
                    [description] => Lawmakers from both parties teamed up to force a House vote on a measure allowing new parents to vote by proxy for 12 weeks, but House Speaker Mike Johnson opposes it on Constitutional grounds.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110596
                    [extra] => 0

            [91] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => King Charles admitted to hospital after suffering temporary side effects from cancer treatment
                    [sha] => 4206329691
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/king-charles-admitted-hospital-after-suffering-temporary-side-effects-from-cancer-treatment
                    [description] => King Charles was admitted to the hospital briefly Thursday morning after he experienced temporary side effects from his ongoing cancer treatment.
                    [category] => 8
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110575
                    [extra] => 0

            [92] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => King Charles admitted to hospital with temporary side effects from cancer treatment
                    [sha] => 4236691736
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/king-charles-admitted-hospital-after-suffering-temporary-side-effects-from-cancer-treatment
                    [description] => King Charles was admitted to a hospital briefly Thursday morning after he experienced temporary side effects from his ongoing cancer treatment.
                    [category] => 8
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110575
                    [extra] => 0

            [93] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => With Car Tariffs, Trump Puts His Unorthodox Trade Theory to the Test
                    [sha] => 2520835898
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/27/us/politics/trump-car-tariffs-trade-strategy.html
                    [description] => With sweeping auto levies, the president is putting his beliefs about tariffs into practice on the global economy. Economists aren’t optimistic.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110476
                    [extra] => 0

            [94] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => RI secures $220M in federal funding for Washington Bridge rebuild
                    [sha] => 142442721
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => RI secures $220M in federal funding for Washington Bridge rebuild  WPRI.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110318
                    [extra] => 0

            [95] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Judge orders Trump administration to preserve Signal chat on Yemen strikes
                    [sha] => 2445432726
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/US/judge-holds-hearing-administrations-signal-app/story?id=120229350
                    [description] => A judge has ordered the Trump administration to preserve the contents of the Signal app chat in which top officials discussed Yemen military strikes earlier this month.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110305
                    [extra] => 0

            [96] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Canada PM Mark Carney says old relationship with US 'is over'
                    [sha] => 2100100085
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiWkFVX3lxTE1fSnJTenBTUVM2RUl4eHBQT3U5SV8yT1JUNjR6ZTBzZGdhTjJjZi16U3Bpa3ZhSENvRnZ2bW1iZkxlSEZ4VGFsemlJSklYOUJjYW5NRjdkRUdId9IBX0FVX3lxTFBNRE1kbVV0QTlRS1ZaYXVwbENUNktkODdvZU9Zb0VoanNDdER6VmdwV2VuczFuMHU0MGszajNFVHRnZm4yZjZoU3ZPZ2N1T3haUnFDUkV2ZFQyeDlTUjdj?oc=5
                    [description] => Canada PM Mark Carney says old relationship with US 'is over'  BBC.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110277
                    [extra] => 0

            [97] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 3% Down Payment Option Available for Homebuyers Who Choose Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
                    [sha] => 343943299
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiuwFBVV95cUxOSW13alpPQzl4U2FFQUx1MWllc2ZWQmhqbUVrNmNCUnVSRFJvRC0wT0RsOWpNc2JPSFE4MDFDUHdTdjJtYks1cWF4dHIzYjVZRV9GWXl3YXN0WWpmN1hneTdtbUVtLXZSbWxhUVFOS1o5ZlFCWFp2UFplVjluR0YwVklmUEg1ODlmOXM3RlQ3Vm5pcnZYRm5kZi1MbjJIY2dMZjM4b2V3TEMtX3BHdWk0R08wbWNRSDRoYTlF?oc=5
                    [description] => 3% Down Payment Option Available for Homebuyers Who Choose Alaska Housing Finance Corporation  Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110138
                    [extra] => 0

            [98] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Dangerous fungus spreading in US hospitals has ‘rapidly increased'
                    [sha] => 4261479846
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/health/dangerous-fungus-spreading-us-hospitals-rapidly-increased
                    [description] => Experts warn that Candida auris, a fungus that can be life-threatening to sick individuals, is spreading at a rapid rate in U.S. hospitals and health facilities.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743110105
                    [extra] => 0

            [99] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => WATCH: Toddler goes viral with adorable version of 'Going on a Bear Hunt' song
                    [sha] => 3460329247
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Family/video/toddler-viral-adorable-version-bear-hunt-song-120232021
                    [description] => It’s been too long since we’ve heard this song!
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1743109955
                    [extra] => 0


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